
Post-doctoral fellowships Versão em português

Guidelines for the Submission and Selection of Proposals in the Post-Doctoral Fellowship Program

Current guidelines as from June, 1st 2024

FAPESP’s Post-Doctoral Fellowship aims to create conditions for the temporary incorporation into research groups active in the state of São Paulo of very promising scientists who have obtained a PhD less than 7 (seven) years ago, except under the conditions provided for in PR Ordinance no. 171/2024, in Brazil or abroad, with outstanding performance, to contribute to the development of research at an Institution located in the state of São Paulo.

The request must be submitted by a researcher based at a higher education or research institution in the state of São Paulo, who will be the Supervisor of the Post-Doctoral Fellowship Recipient.

The Supervisor must have a PhD or equivalent title (evaluated by curricular summary) and demonstrated experience in the leadership of internationally competitive research projects. Supervisor’s academic background must demonstrate international experience in research after the doctorate or demonstrate active participation in international networks for research collaboration.

1) Target audience (back to index)

FAPESP’s Post-Doctoral Fellowship aims to create conditions for the temporary incorporation into research groups active in the state of São Paulo of very promising scientists who have obtained a PhD less than 7 (seven) years ago, except under the conditions provided for in PR Ordinance no. 171/2024 , in Brazil or abroad, with outstanding performance, to contribute to the development of research at an Institution located in the state of São Paulo.

The request must be submitted by a researcher based at a higher education or research institution in the state of São Paulo, who will be the Supervisor of the Post-Doctoral Fellowship Recipient.

The Supervisor must have a PhD or equivalent title (evaluated by curricular summary) and demonstrated experience in the leadership of internationally competitive research projects. Supervisor’s academic background must demonstrate international experience in research after the doctorate or demonstrate active participation in international networks for research collaboration.

The Supervisor must present a justification defining how the development of the proposed project and the candidate's previous education will contribute to the group in which the post-doctorate will take place. Particularly, the link between the group's ongoing research projects and the activities proposed for the Fellowship Recipient should be emphasized.

Only under exceptional and very well justified conditions requests in which the post-doctorate takes place in the same group as the candidate's doctorate might be accepted.

The Supervisor and the candidate are jointly responsible for the preparation and development of the research project.

The Post-Doctoral (PD) Fellowship request may be submitted before the completion of the Doctorate, but the proof of completion is essential upon acceptance of the Fellowship.

Considering that the Post-Doctoral Fellowships are mainly aimed at the training of new personnel for the state's research system, FAPESP, when analyzing the requests, prioritizes candidates who have recently completed their Doctorate, within the normal time limit, except under the conditions provided for in PR Ordinance no. 171/2024 , with an excellent academic record in postgraduate studies.

1.1) Post-Doctoral Fellowships linked to Research Grants

Some Grants modalities allow Post-Doctoral Fellowships to be linked to their projects in two ways:

a) Applications for Post-Doctoral Fellowships linked to ongoing Grants in the following modalities: Regular Research Grant; Thematic Project Grant; Research, Innovation and Dissemination Centers (RIDC); Engineering Research Centers/Applied Research Centers (ERC/ARC); São Paulo Excellence Chair Grant (SPEC); Young Investigator Grant; Research in Public Policies Program; and Public Education Research Program:

a.1. When submitting an application for Fellowship, it is necessary to explicitly request the linkage by referring the Grant process number in the field "Processo Vinculado" when filling out the Fellowship proposal in the SAGe system;

a.2. A document signed by the Principal Investigator regarding the Grant to which the linkage is requested, agreeing to the link and specifying the contribution that the research project presented will make to the project that is being applied for, must be included;

a.3. The Fellowship Supervisor must be either the Principal Investigator, one of the Co-Principal Investigators or one of the Associate Researchers of the respective Grant;

a.4. Information on submitting complementary requests are available at fapesp.br/1413.

b) Applications for Post-Doctoral Fellowships - Associated Submission as a budget item for Grants in the following modalities: Regular Research Grant; Thematic Project Grant; Research, Innovation and Dissemination Centers (RIDC); Engineering Research Centers/Applied Research Centers (ERC/ARC); São Paulo Excellence Chair Grant (SPEC); Young Investigator Grant; Research in Public Policies Program; and Public Education Research Program:

b.1. To apply for Fellowships as a budget item for Grants, the rules for each support opportunity must be followed regarding fundable items, proposal submission, and requests for matching funds;

b.2. Post-Doctoral Fellowships as a budget item for Grants must be requested in accordance with the rules available at fapesp.br/15369.

In both cases, the research project to be executed by the Post-Doctoral Fellowship Recipient must be closely linked to the research project of the Grant funded by FAPESP.

1.2) Research Internship Abroad (RIA)

When it comes to applications for Post-Doctoral Fellowships in Brazil, FAPESP considers it a positive aspect, in the process of analyzing the merits of the research project submitted, to have a concrete plan for carrying out a research internship abroad. For this purpose, the Research Internship Abroad (RIA) modality may be requested, according to the rules available at fapesp.br/bolsas/bepe .

The research internship must be relevant to the project and carried out in a center with recognized excellence in the field of the proposal.

2) Fellowship Components (back to index)

a. Monthly fees: in the amount defined in the FAPESP’s Table of Fellowship Values, available at fapesp.br/3162 (Table of Fellowship Values in Brazil).

b. Research Overhead: Information at fapesp.br/rt.

c. Moving Cost Allowance: Fellowship Recipients who need to relocate to the city where the research Host Institution is located may request Moving Cost Allowance (complete guidelines at fapesp.br/7771).

d. Maternity/Paternity Leave: period of leave of absence without interruption of payment in case of maternity/paternity leave (complete guidelines at fapesp.br/8484).

e. Reimbursement of the social security contribution to the National Institute of Social Security – INSS (according to the rules described at fapesp.br/16951 and fapesp.br/16953).

2.1) Research internships overseas

In order to carry out research internships abroad, the Post-Doctoral Fellowship Recipient may submit an application for a Research Internship Abroad (RIA) to FAPESP, in accordance with the rules of this support opportunity described at www.fapesp.br/bolsas/bepe , or use funds from the Research Overhead of the Fellowship itself in Brazil, according to the rules described at www.fapesp.br/rt.

3) Duration (back to index)

a. The Post-Doctoral Fellowship can be requested for an initial period of up to 36 months, always starting on the first day of the month. Fellowships with a duration period of less than six months will not be awarded.

b. Post-Doctoral Fellowships associated with Grants under the Thematic Project Grant; Research, Innovation and Dissemination Centers (RIDC); Engineering Research Centers/Applied Research Centers (ERC/ARC); São Paulo Excellence Chair Grant (SPEC); and Young Investigator Grant modalities may be renewed for a period of up to 12 months, provided that the total duration of the Fellowship for the same candidate does not exceed 48 months.

c. If the selected candidate has previously received a FAPESP Fellowship equivalent to the Post-Doctoral Fellowship, the duration of it will be deducted from the maximum duration of the Fellowship awarded.

3.1) Interruption of Post-Doctoral (PD) Fellowship for internships abroad

a. During its term, the Post-Doctoral Fellowship may be interrupted for a maximum of 12 months for the Fellowship Recipient to participate in research internships abroad, with a Fellowship from another agency or any other type of funding that does not burden FAPESP, upon request for authorization sent to FAPESP by the Supervisor, accompanied by a detailed justification. If the interruption is approved, the duration of the internship will not be calculated as part of the total duration of FAPESP’s Post-Doctoral Fellowship.

b. The interruption of the Post-Doctoral Fellowship to benefit from the Research Internship Abroad (RIA) is automatic, from the beginning of the RIA term. However, its reactivation must be requested at the end of the research internship abroad.

b.1. The reactivation of the Post-Doctoral Fellowship must be requested through the Fellowship process by indicating the status of the research and its anticipated completion. It is recommended that the reactivation request be submitted 30 days prior to the RIA expiration date, as indicated in its respective Grant Contract.

c. In both "a" and "b" scenarios, the reactivation request must be made through SAGe system by submitting a Change Request of the type "Process Reactivation", prepared by the Fellowship Recipient and submitted by the Supervisor.

4) Application date (back to index)

Applications may be submitted to FAPESP at any time throughout the year.

5) Definitions (back to index)

a. Supervisor: the researcher who, before FAPESP, is responsible for submitting the application for Post-Doctoral Fellowship and nominating the post-doctoral Fellowship Recipient, ensuring the conditions for carrying out the proposed research project and supervising the activities of the Fellowship Recipient.

b. Fellowship Recipient: the beneficiary of a Fellowship awarded by FAPESP.

c. Host Institution: the institution that hosts the research project and, in general, the institution where the Principal Investigator is based. The Host Institution must assume commitments regarding the storage and access to materials and equipment and provide institutional support for the research project.

6) Requirements for applications (back to index)

6.1) Candidate (back to index)

a. Candidates for the Post-Doctoral Fellowship must have completed their Doctorate less than 7 (seven) years ago, except under the conditions provided for in PR Ordinance no. 171/2024 , and have excellent academic background and postgraduate transcript.

b. Candidates must have achievements presented in their Curricular Summary that demonstrate their potential as researchers.

c. Candidates must have no pending responsibilities with FAPESP (i.e., issuance of reviews and return process, delivery of Scientific Report and Financial Report). Proposals whose Beneficiary or Supervisor have unfulfilled responsibilities with FAPESP overdue by more than 60 (sixty) days will not be reviewed.

d. When submitting the application for a Fellowship, candidates must be aware of the rules, forms and procedures, available at fapesp.br and fapesp.br/sage .

e. For the development of the activities, foreign candidates are responsible for verifying and obtaining the necessary documents for their entry and permanence in Brazil alongside the Brazilian Consulate closest to their residence.

f. Candidates should inform whether are applying for or receiving a grant or fellowship from other sources for the same purpose as the research proposal submitted.

6.2) Supervisor (back to index)

a. Have no pending responsibilities with FAPESP (i.e., issuance of reviews and return process, delivery of Scientific Report and Financial Report). Proposals whose Beneficiary or Supervisor have unfulfilled responsibilities with FAPESP overdue by more than 60 (sixty) days will not be reviewed.

b. Have a PhD or equivalent title, as well as competence and productivity in research in the field of the project presented, assessed by their curricular summary, as well as availability, measured by their work regime and current number of advisees.

b.1. The Supervisor’s academic background, expressed in their curricular summary, must demonstrate international experience in research after the doctorate or demonstrate active participation in international networks for research collaboration.

b.2. In the event of periods of leave of absence on the part of the applicant due to maternity/paternity leave, disability, temporary disabilities or intensive care for ill, elderly or disabled people, which have had an impact on their research productivity, the Supervisor may submit a request for an analysis of the deadlines for eligibility, via the channel "Converse com a FAPESP", under the terms of PR Ordinance no. 171/2024 .

b.3. Information on each period of leave of absence should also be included in the Supervisor's curricular summary, sent when submitting the proposal for a Grant or Scholarship.

c. The Supervisor must demonstrate having the necessary support and material conditions for the full execution of the proposed project, whether it is a financial support from FAPESP or from other source(s). If the Supervisor's research funding is from FAPESP, the process number must be provided. If the Supervisor's research funding is not from FAPESP, the following must be provided: the name of the agency, the duration, the amount contracted and a summary of the funded project. It is advised that such support be described in the introduction to the research project, in a section with the title "Existing support for the implementation of the proposed project".

d. The Supervisor must be a formal employee of a Research Institution in the state of São Paulo.

d.1. Accreditation on a postgraduate program at the Institution does not configure employee status nor does it waive this requirement.

d.2. FAPESP might accept, under certain conditions, an affiliation that does not configure employee status. This association, however, must be robust in terms of commitment to the academic activities of the Research Institution of the state of São Paulo. In such cases, prior to the submission of the proposal, an inquiry must be submitted to FAPESP's Scientific Directorate, through the channel "Converse com a FAPESP", informing:

d.2.1. the nature of the institutional association;

d.2.2. the number of hours per week dedicated to research involved with the association;

d.2.3. the associated source of funding;

d.2.4. the duration of such association.

d.3. Retired Teachers associated with an Institution in the state of São Paulo, whether public or private, proposed to host the project, must inform that they are retired teachers and present, at the time of the submission, a document demonstrating the nature of the institutional association.

e. FAPESP does not award Fellowships of any kind in situations where the Supervisor is closely related to the candidate. Close relatedness is considered a potential conflict of interest that compromises the essential perception of impartiality in evaluating the Fellowship Recipient's qualifications and performance.

7) Required conditions and obligations (back to index)

7.1) Fellowship Recipient (back to index)

During the term of the Fellowship, the Fellowship Recipient must comply with the following conditions and obligations:

a. Have their own Individual Taxpayer Registration Number (CPF) to enable the release of the Grant Contract.

b. Be aware of the obligations specified in the Grant Contract in Brazil, signed jointly with the Supervisor.

b.1. Noncompliance with the rules and the terms specified in the Grant Contract may imply the cancellation of the Fellowship and the obligation to return funds already disbursed by FAPESP, in updated amounts.

c. Adhere to the development plan for the Post-Doctoral program, submitted to FAPESP in the Fellowship application, and the research project.

d. Register for and participate in the training provided by the Mentoring Program for the Consolidation of Careers in Research – FAPESP, available at mentoriapd.fapesp.br/ .

e. The Fellowship requires exclusive dedication to the research project. In exceptional and justified circumstances, as defined in PR Ordinance no. 05/2012 (fapesp.br/7090), FAPESP may grant permission to carry out activities that contribute to the development of the research project.

f. Throughout the term of their Fellowship, Fellowship Recipients are not allowed to be formal employees or receive a fellowship from any other entity, salary, or remuneration for performing activities of any kind.In exceptional and justified circumstances, as defined in PR Ordinance no. 05/2012 (fapesp.br/7090), FAPESP may grant permission to carry out activities that contribute to the development of the research project.

f.1. At the discretion of FAPESP, situations may be considered in which the candidate is a formal employee and has a leave of absence from the affiliated institution, with or without salary, that allows for exclusive dedication to research.

g. Be up to date with their FAPESP responsibilities (i.e., issuance of reviews and return process, delivery of Scientific Report and Financial Report) under penalty of blocking resource clearance.

h. Consult FAPESP before accepting any financial support from any other funding entity, whether public or private, for the execution of the research project related to the Fellowship awarded.

i. Do not modify the project (initial plan, dates, etc.) or the development plan for the Post-Doctoral program without the prior consent of FAPESP.

j. Submit Scientific Reports, reports on the stages completed in the development plan for the proposed Post-Doctoral program, reports on the use of funds from the Research Overhead and Financial Report within the deadlines specified in the Grant Contract, accompanied by the required documentation.

k. Demonstrate a high degree of academic interaction with the Supervisor and with the academic community of the Host Institution of your research project (located in the state of São Paulo), establishing a solid academic relationship with that Institution.

l. Do not leave the Institution where the research project is being developed without previous and express permission of FAPESP, upon the justified request of the Supervisor.

l.1. This restriction does not apply in the following cases:

l.1.1. fulfillment of a field research as foreseen in the research project on which the Fellowship is based;

l.1.2. research internship with a duration of less than one month;

l.1.3. participation in Scientific or Technological Meeting Award, whether conducting presentations or not;

l.1.4. participation in a course of interest to the research project on which the Fellowship is based, for a period of less than one month.

l.2. In all instances:

l.2.1. there is the requirement of a written endorsement from the Supervisor, which must be kept on file by the Supervisor and the Fellowship Recipient to be presented to FAPESP upon request.

l.2.2. the leave of absence must be reported and justified by the Supervisor on the next Scientific Report submission form, so that its relevance to the research project is understood by the reviewers.

l.2.3. the possibility of a leave of absence does not imply an automatic authorization to use the funds of the Research Overhead for this purpose. To use the funds of the Research Overhead, please consult the specific rules at fapesp.br/4566 .

m. Make reference to FAPESP's support in theses, papers, books, conference abstracts and any other publication or form of dissemination of activities resulting, completely or partially, from Fellowships from the Foundation, as foreseen in Clause 7 of the Grant Contract and described at fapesp.br/11789.

n. In the event that the research project funded by FAPESP has also been awarded financial support from any other public or private source, the researcher is obligated to inform and make express reference to this support, with clear indication of its source, in all forms of dissemination mentioned in the previous item.

o. Take the necessary steps to ensure that, through the service offered by the Host Institution, the full texts of the papers or other types of scientific communication resulting (in whole or in part) from the project funded by FAPESP and published in international journals are made available in an institutional repository of scientific works, in accordance with the open access policy of each journal, as soon as the manuscripts are approved for publication, or in the shortest time compatible with the restrictions of each journal, and in any case no later than 12 months from the date of publication. FAPESP Policy for Open Access to Publications Resulting from Grants and Fellowships is available at fapesp.br/12632.

p. Immediately inform FAPESP, through the Supervisor, of any contract, appointment to fill a position or to perform a function (whether remunerated or not), change of residence, as well as any interruption of research activities.

q. Verify, in a timely manner, whether the execution of the project produces or could potentially produce results, in whole or in part, which might be the object of protection by Patent of Invention, Utility Model, Industrial Design, Software or any other form of protection of Intellectual Property rights, subject to FAPESP's Intellectual Property Policy, available at fapesp.br/pi.

r. Provide, free of charge, Grant/Fellowship reviews in their field of knowledge and within the deadlines stipulated, when requested by FAPESP.

s. Be aware of and respect the guidelines contained in FAPESP's Code of Good Scientific Practices, available at fapesp.br/boaspraticas.

t. Work with the Supervisor to ensure that the data generated during the project is properly managed according to the Data Management Plan associated with the Fellowship project.

u. Always use the updated versions of the rules, forms and procedures, available at fapesp.br and fapesp.br/sage.

7.2) Supervisor (back to index)

During the term of the Fellowship, the Supervisor must comply with the following conditions and obligations:

a. Be aware of the obligations specified in the Grant Contract in Brazil, signed jointly with the Fellowship Recipient.

b. All communications with FAPESP regarding the Fellowship must be made by the Principal Investigator (Supervisor).

c. Provide, free of charge, Grant/Fellowship reviews in their field of knowledge and within the deadlines stipulated by the Foundation, when requested by FAPESP.

d. Request FAPESP to change the responsibility of the Fellowship before committing to activities that will require the Principal Investigator’s absence from the Host Institution for more than 90 days, as described in CTA Ordinance no. 74/2023, available at fapesp.br/16110.

d.1) In the event of an exceptional situation that requires the Principal Investigator to be away from the Host Institution for more than 90 days while maintaining responsibility for the Fellowship, FAPESP may consider requests on an exceptional and duly justified basis.

e. Make all arrangements to ensure the success of the approved research project.

f. Consult FAPESP before accepting any financial support from any other funding entity, whether public or private, for the execution of the same research project being supported by FAPESP.

g. To make reference to FAPESP's support in theses, papers, books, conference abstracts and any other publication or form of dissemination of activities that result, completely or partially, from Fellowships from the Foundation, as foreseen in Clause 7 of the Grant Contract and described at fapesp.br/11789.

h. If the research project funded by FAPESP has also been awarded financial support from any other public or private source, the researcher is obligated to inform and make reference to the support, with clear indication of its source, in all forms of dissemination mentioned in the previous item.

i. Take the necessary steps to ensure that, through the service offered by the Host Institution, the full texts of the papers or other types of scientific communication resulting (in whole or in part) from the project funded by FAPESP and published in international journals are made available in an institutional repository of scientific works, in accordance with the open access policy of each journal, as soon as the manuscripts are approved for publication, or in the shortest time compatible with the restrictions of each journal, and in any case no later than 12 months from the date of publication. FAPESP Policy for Open Access to Publications Resulting from Grants and Fellowships is available at fapesp.br/12632.

j. Verify, in a timely manner, whether the execution of the project produces or could potentially produce results, in whole or in part, which might be the object of protection by Patent of Invention, Utility Model, Industrial Design, Software or any other form of protection of Intellectual Property rights, subject to FAPESP's Intellectual Property Policy, available at fapesp.br/pi .

k. Be aware of and respect the guidelines contained in FAPESP’s Code of Good Scientific Practices, available at fapesp.br/boaspraticas, and committing to include, among the Fellowship Recipient's mandatory activities, participation in education and training programs relating to the ethical integrity of research.

l. Work with the Fellowship Recipient to ensure that the data generated during the project is properly managed according to the Data Management Plan associated with the Fellowship project.

m. Always use the updated versions of the rules, forms and procedures, available at fapesp.br and fapesp.br/sage.

8) Required documents (back to index)

The electronic forms are available on SAGe (“Sistema de Apoio à Gestão”), at fapesp.br/sage. Candidate and Supervisor must have an up-to-date registration in the SAGe system and containing a copy of their ID card.

The following documents are required to apply for a Post-Doctoral Fellowship:

a. Research Project. Original, perfectly presented and demonstrating the scientific and technological contribution to the development of research at the Host Institution.

b. Curricular summary of the Supervisor.

c. Curricular summary of the candidate (beneficiary).

d. Complete Master transcript, issued as an official document (with stamp and signature or authenticity code). The transcript must contain: the full names of the subjects; any failures or withdrawals of the candidate; the passing criteria (minimum grade) or, alternatively, a statement from the University stating the criteria.

e. Complete Doctorate transcript, issued as an official document (with stamp and signature or authenticity code). The transcript must contain: the full names of the subjects; any failures or withdrawals of the candidate; the passing criteria (minimum grade) or, alternatively, a statement from the University stating the criteria.

f. In the case of a complementary request which is linked to a Regular Research Grant; Thematic Project Grant; Research, Innovation and Dissemination Centers (RIDC); Engineering Research Centers/Applied Research Centers (ERC/ARC); São Paulo Excellence Chair Grant (SPEC); or Young Investigator Grant, a document signed by the Principal Investigator of the linked Grant must be submitted, stating agreement to the linkage and specifying the contribution the research project presented will make to the project that is being applied for.

g. Manifestation of the Head of the Host Institution, according to the model available for download at SAGe.

h. Institutional infrastructure information approved by the Host Institution, according to the model in Annex II available for download at SAGe.

i. Results of previous grants: if the Supervisor has participated as Principal Investigator, or Co-Principal Investigator, or as a beneficiary of other Awards or Fellowships granted by FAPESP, submit a document containing its results, project titles and process numbers for the last 5 years. If the Supervisor has not participated in FAPESP Grants or Fellowships, submit a document containing the following sentence: "The Principal Investigator has not received support from FAPESP in the last 5 years under the conditions defined in the guidelines".

j. Document describing the Data Management Plan (up to two pages), prepared according to the guidelines available at fapesp.br/gestaodedados .

k. Development plan of the Post-Doctoral program, according to the model available for download at SAGe.

l. The beneficiary's Doctorate degree certificates (may be submitted later, up to the date of acceptance of the award, if the Fellowship is awarded).

m. Proof of leave of absence or resignation for candidates who are formal employees (may be submitted later, up to the date of acceptance of the award, if the Fellowship is awarded).

m.1. At the discretion of FAPESP, situations may be considered in which the candidate is a formal employee and has a leave of absence from the home institution, with or without salary, that allows for exclusive dedication to research, as specified in item 6.1.

m.2. If the Fellowship Recipient is not a formal employee, a signed statement providing this information must be submitted.

9) Authorizations required by Law to perform the research (back to index)

It is the responsibility of the Principal Investigator and the Host Institution to request, obtain and hold all legal and required authorizations for the proper execution of the project, which must be issued by the control and inspection bodies relating to the nature of the research, when so required.

If the proposal is approved, the Grant Contract will contain a clause requiring that the Principal Investigator and the Host Institution have such authorizations and demonstrate them to FAPESP whenever requested.

10) Intellectual Property (back to index)

FAPESP's rules regarding the intellectual property of the results of projects supported by the Foundation are described at fapesp.br/pi.

11) Review of applications (back to index)

11.1) Review process (back to index)

Applications sent to FAPESP for different types of support opportunities are reviewed using the peer review system (fapesp.br/analise).

The maximum number of Fellowships that can be granted must comply with the limits defined in FAPESP's annual budget proposal, approved by the Board of Trustees.

The review of the Post-Doctoral Fellowship applications, done by Area Coordinators and Associate Coordinators, based on the reviewers' opinions, intends to identify those proposals that are considered excellent in three components: a. Research Project; b. Candidate's Academic Background; and c. Supervisor's Research Background.

The review process is carried out in five stages and involves the participation of ad hoc reviewers, Area Coordinators and Associate Coordinators.

The five steps of the review process are listed and described below:

a. Eligibility of the proposals and indication of reviewers by the Area Coordinators.

b. Analysis and issue of reviews by the ad hoc reviewers.

c. Analysis and recommendation by the Area Coordinators.

d. Analysis and recommendation by the Associate Coordinators.

e. Scientific Director’s decision and analysis by the Executive Board and the Board of Trustees.

11.1.1. Eligibility of the proposals and indication of reviewers by the Area Coordinators

In this phase, the Area Coordinators (fapesp.br/1479) verify that the requirements specified in sections 6.1 and 6.2 of these guidelines are totally met. For requests considered eligible, the Area Coordinators indicate which ad hoc reviewers to consult for issuing a review. Requests that are considered ineligible are sent to the Associate Coordinators for analysis and final decision. If the Associate Coordinators agree that the proposal is ineligible, it returns to the Principal Investigator with a review clarifying the reasons for the decision.

11.1.2. Analysis and issue of review by the ad hoc reviewers

The ad hoc reviewers are specialists in the field of the projects being proposed. They analyze the proposals and issue reviews that contemplate each of the criteria mentioned in section 11.1.6. Their detailed reviews form the basis for the subsequent steps of the analysis.

11.1.3. Analysis and recommendation by the Area Coordinators

Applications for Post-Doctoral Fellowships in each area are jointly discussed at periodic collegiate meetings attended by all Area Coordinators and Associate Coordinators. This procedure favors the homogeneous application of the benchmarks of excellence established by FAPESP based on the experience of analyzing a large number of applications.

In order to prioritize, it is necessary to analyze the set of proposals and their respective reviewers’ opinions. This analysis is essential because different reviewers may use criteria with different levels of demand, so it is not possible to simply compare the concepts assigned by reviewers. To prioritize proposals rated as excellent, the panel will use the criteria described in section 11.1.7.

Analysis Panel sessions take place within each field of knowledge, so that proposals are always analyzed joining others from the same field of knowledge.

11.1.4. Analysis and recommendation by the Associate Coordinators

The Associate Coordinators examine the proposals and compare the Area Coordinators’ recommendations with the reviews issued by the ad hoc reviewers. Particularly, they verify consistency with FAPESP's excellence benchmarks and whether all the criteria in section 11.1.6 and, if necessary, those in sections 11.1.7 and 11.1.8 were properly considered during the analysis. If there are any discrepancies, they are sent to the Area Coordinators for discussion. Finally, recommendations are conducted to the Scientific Director.

Evaluations by the Associate Coordinators take place separately for different major fields of knowledge.

11.1.5. Scientific Director’s decision and analysis by the Executive Board and the Board of Trustees

Based on the analysis of the Area Coordinators and Associate Coordinators, the Scientific Director makes the final decision. When there are doubts or there is a mismatch between the Coordinators' recommendations, the proposals are discussed with the Associate Coordinators before the final decision is taken. The Scientific Director's decision is submitted for analysis by the Executive Board, which will deliberate ad-referendum of the Board of Trustees.

11.1.6. Review criteria

In the analysis by the ad hoc reviewers (section 11.1.2), Area Coordinators (section 11.1.3) and Associate Coordinators (section 11.1.4), the criteria used to classify the proposals are listed below and included in the reviewers’ opinion form.

Each request is analyzed considering three components: a. Research Project; b. Candidate’s Academic Background; and c. Supervisor’s Research Background.

a. Criteria for analyzing the Research Project

1. The definition, relevance, originality of the objectives and the significance of the intended contribution to the field of knowledge in which the proposed project is inserted.

2. Scientific foundation and the methods used.

3. Suitability of the project for a Post-Doctoral program and feasibility of carrying it out with the available infrastructure and within the expected timeframe.

4. Adequacy of the Data Management Plan for the proposed project, considering all ethical, confidentiality, security, and other applicable restrictions, according to the practices of the discipline(s) involved in the project, as specified at fapesp.br/gestaodedados .

b. Criteria for analyzing the candidate's Academic Background

1. The suitability of the candidate's education for the proposed project and the quality and regularity of their scientific and/or technological output. Important elements for this analysis are: list of publications in journals with a selective editorial policy; published books or book chapters; patents in which they appear as inventor; other forms of intellectual property; research results effectively transferred and adopted by companies or the government; and any other information that may be relevant.

1.a. The fundamental document to be considered for the analysis of this item is the curricular summary (fapesp.br/5266) presented with the proposal.

1.b. In the event of periods of leave of absence on the part of the applicant due to maternity/paternity leave, disability, temporary disabilities or intensive care for ill, elderly or disabled people, which have had an impact on their research productivity, the applicant may submit a request for an analysis of the deadlines for eligibility, through the channel "Converse com a FAPESP", under the terms of PR Ordinance no. 171/2024 .

1.c. Information on each period of leave of absence should be included in the applicant's curricular summary, sent as part of submitting the proposal for a Grant or Fellowship.

2. The candidate's international research experience (short and long-term internships, participation in collaborations), based on the quality of published results.

3. The candidate has recently completed their doctorate. Should that not be the case, there are special circumstances that justify the award of the requested Fellowship (see PR Ordinance no. 171/2024) .

4. Other aspects deemed relevant to evaluate the candidate's potential as a researcher.

5. Only under exceptional and very well justified conditions requests in which the post-doctorate takes place in the same group as the candidate's doctorate might be accepted.

c. Criteria for analyzing the Supervisor’s Research Background.

1. Quality, regularity and significance of scientific and/or technological output, with emphasis on recent output. Important elements for this analysis are: list of publications in journals with a selective editorial policy and the scientific impact of these publications; published books or book chapters; registered or licensed patents in which they appear as inventor; other forms of intellectual property; research results effectively transferred and adopted by companies or the government; and any other information that may be relevant.

1.a. The fundamental document to be considered for the analysis of this item is the curricular summary (fapesp.br/5266) presented with the proposal.

1.b. In the event of periods of leave of absence on the part of the applicant due to maternity/paternity leave, disability, temporary disabilities or intensive care for ill, elderly or disabled people, which have had an impact on their research productivity, the applicant may submit a request for an analysis of the deadlines for eligibility, through the channel "Converse com a FAPESP", under the terms of PR Ordinance no. 171/2024 .

1.c. Information on each period of leave of absence should be included in the applicant's curricular summary, sent when submitting the proposal for a Grant or Fellowship.

2. Experience and demonstrated experience in the leadership of research projects with internationally competitive results related to the issue of the proposal under analysis.

3. International experience in research after the doctorate or demonstrate active participation in international networks for research collaboration.

4. Demonstrated ability to train researchers.

5. Results obtained by the Supervisor with previous funding from FAPESP.

6. Availability for guidance/supervision considering the work regime and the total number of students under their guidance.

7. Other remarks about the Supervisor's scientific, technological and academic output, which are relevant to the analysis of the viability and scientific quality of the proposal.

11.1.7. Procedure for the prioritization of cases that are considered to be of equal scientific merit

Depending on budget availability and when there are proposals of equal scientific merit, the following criteria will be used to prioritize proposals:

a. Proposals in which the post-doctorate takes place in a different group than the one in which the candidate has completed their doctorate, and preferably in a different institution.

b. The candidate's international research experience (short and long-term internships, participation in collaborations), based on the quality of published results.

c. Proposals with a concrete plan for a Research Internship Abroad (RIA) at prestigious Institutions.

d. Candidates with excellent results from previous FAPESP Scholarships.

e. Proposals linked to Young Investigator Grant (YIG), Thematic Project Grant, Research, Innovation and Dissemination Centers (RIDC), São Paulo Excellence Chair Grant (SPEC) or Engineering Research Centers/Applied Research Centers (ERC/ARC), in which the Supervisor is the Co-Principal Investigator of the Grant to which the Fellowship is linked.

f. Proposals in which the Supervisor is responsible for Regular Research Grant, Public Policies Grant, Public Education Grant or Research Partnership for Technological Innovation Program in force at FAPESP.

g. Candidates with excellent results from previous Fellowships from other agencies.

h. Candidates who have recently completed their Doctorate, within the normal time limit, except under the conditions provided for in PR Ordinance no. 171/2024 , with excellent postgraduate academic record.

11.1.8. The most common deficiencies observed in applications for Post-Doctoral Fellowships

These are the most common deficiencies observed in the analysis of applications for Post-Doctoral Fellowships in Brazil:

a. Regarding the project, as indicated on the reviewers' opinion form:

1. Project with poorly defined, excessive or incongruous objectives.

2. Project with excessively limited objectives.

3. Unoriginal project.

4. Minor contribution to the field of knowledge.

5. Insufficient scientific basis / inadequate methodology.

6. Inadequate project for a Post-Doctoral program.

7. Questionable feasibility of the execution.

8. Inadequate Data Management Plan.

b. Regarding the Candidate’s Academic Background, as indicated on the reviewers’ opinion form:

1. Scientific or technological output that does not attest to significant achievement as a result of their research activity, except under the conditions provided for in PR Ordinance no. 171/2024 .

2. Candidate with unclear potential.

3. Insufficient education for the proposed project.

4. The completion of the Doctorate is not recent, except under the conditions provided for in PR Ordinance no. 171/2024.

c. Regarding the Supervisor's Research Background, as indicated on the reviewers’ opinion form:

1. Scientific or technological output that does not attest to significant achievement as a result of their research activity, except under the conditions provided for in PR Ordinance no. 171/2024.

2. Insufficient experience in the research area in which the research project is inserted, which may compromise its viability.

3. Unclear guidance ability.

4. The scientific or technological output from previous grants is unsatisfactory.

5. The award of the Fellowship is not justified by special circumstances.

11.2) Analysis deadlines (back to index)

The expected average duration of the FAPESP review process for this support opportunity is approximately 75 days, assuming there are no incidents such as due diligence or return without a reviewers’ opinion.

a) This number represents an average. Therefore, this does not mean that applications that are submitted 75 days prior to the estimated start of the grant will necessarily be evaluated within this time frame. Since the expected average time frame is 75 days, there will certainly be cases in which the time frame for a decision will be longer than that.

b) Requests with a Grant/Fellowship review from ad hoc reviewers are submitted to Analysis Panels.

c) Considering that the specialists who participate in the review process of the proposals submitted to FAPESP ( ad hoc reviewers, area coordinators and associate coordinators) are mostly members of the academic community, and that in the period from December to January the Universities and Research Institutions in the state of São Paulo go on break and academic vacation, the Proposals submitted from October to January may suffer additional delays.

d) For each modality of funding, it is estimated a typical period necessary to complete the review process. FAPESP takes responsibility for making every effort to observe this limit. The Foundation cannot, however, guarantee that this condition will be always fulfilled, since FAPESP’s top priority is to ensure the quality of the review and selection process.

e) In fact, the most important part of the review process cannot be fully controlled by FAPESP: all applications are sent out to ad hoc reviewers for their opinion, and it is not always possible, despite FAPESP´s efforts, to obtain a return process within the regular review deadline.

f) Furthermore, reviewers frequently ask for clarifications before submitting their final review and occasionally FAPESP itself may decide to send the application to additional reviewers if it considers that the submitted reviews are insufficient to make a well-founded final decision.

g) However, experience shows that in most cases the expected average deadlines are met, as can be seen from “Estudo Tempos/FAPESP”, available at fapesp.br/estatisticas/analise .

11.3) Appeals for Reconsideration (back to index)

FAPESP guarantees to the applicant, upon submission of a well-founded request for reconsideration of the initial decision, the right to a new review of the application. Requests for reconsideration must be made in accordance with the guidelines described at fapesp.br/reconsideracao .

12) Scientific Report (back to index)

a. Scientific Reports must be presented on the dates specified in the Grant Contract.

a.1. For 36-month Fellowships, a partial Scientific Report must be submitted in the 18th month of the Fellowship and a final Scientific Report must be submitted in the month following the end of the Fellowship.

b. In the case of a Fellowship renewal application, the final Scientific Report must be submitted 6 (six) months prior to the end date of the Fellowship. Failure to meet this deadline may result in the discontinuation of Fellowship payments, should the Fellowship be renewed.

c. In order to renew a Fellowship that is awarded as a budget item, there must be a Fellowship quota available. If this is not the case, the Principal Investigator may request a budget amendment when submitting the Grant Scientific Report to supplement the desired Fellowship quota.

c.1. After analysis, if the application is approved, a Grant Contract Amendment will be issued in the Grant process, to be signed by the Principal Investigator, the Host Institution and FAPESP.

c.2. In order to implement the renewal in the Post-Doctoral Fellowship process, the guidelines in the Manual "Bolsa Concedida no Orçamento do Auxílio (BCO)", available under the "Manuais" link within the SAGe, must be followed.

d. It is advised that the partial and final Scientific Reports follow the instructions available at fapesp.br/14453.

d.1. Fellowship Recipients are required to submit follow-up reports, which must be reviewed and commented on by the Supervisor, along with the Scientific Report Submission Form . The form, duly completed and signed, must be attached to the system when submitting the Scientific Report in SAGe. Mandatory for Partial, Final and Reformulated Reports. The reports are sent by FAPESP to its reviewers for analysis and recommendations.

d.2. Each Scientific Report must include a section describing how the Data Management Plan is being followed and any changes that might have been made. At the time of submission of the Final Scientific Report, the Fellowship Recipient must provide a link to a web page describing how the data generated by the project may be accessed, as described in the current Data Management Plan. This information can be provided since the first Scientific Report and it is mandatory for submission of the Final Scientific Report.

d.3. When the Scientific Report is submitted, the following must also be attached:

d.3.1. The form "Justificativas de Aplicação dos Recursos da Reserva Técnica de Bolsas", properly completed, with justification for expenses incurred with funds from the Fellowship's Research Overhead during the period;

d.3.2. Report on the completed stages of the Post-Doctoral program development plan, as outlined in the plan submitted with the Fellowship application and approved by FAPESP.

e. If a report is not approved or submitted by the deadline, the Fellowship is suspended until it is submitted or satisfactorily rewritten, as determined by the reviewers and/or the Area Coordinators and Associate Coordinators. This situation makes it impossible to sign new Grant Contracts. It also blocks any existing balances in other processes.

f. If this failure persists, and three months have elapsed from the date set for this submission or rewrite, the Fellowship is canceled retroactively, as of the date it was suspended.

13) Financial Report – Fellowship Research Overhead (back to index)

a. The Guidelines for the Use of Funds and Financial Reports are available at fapesp.br/normaspc .

b. Financial Reports on the use of funds from the Fellowship Research Overhead must be submitted on the dates specified in the Grant Contract. Guidance on submitting the Financial Report is available at fapesp.br/prestacaodecontas .

14) Changes to the award (back to index)

a) By signing the Grant Contract, the Supervisor and the Fellowship Recipient acknowledge that the conditions are sufficient to enable the execution of the approved project, barring unpredictable circumstances.

b) For this reason, the Supervisor and the Fellowship Recipient are advised to sign the Grant Contract only after having assured themselves that the conditions approved by FAPESP are, under normal circumstances, enough to fully guarantee the successful execution of the project in question.

c) In the case of uncertainty, as accepting the Fellowship, solicitants are advised to tick the box "Solicito Mudanças" and immediately submit a well-founded change request, which will be analyzed by FAPESP.

d) Recognizing that in certain cases, after the initial award, there may be circumstances that affect the development of the project and require changes to the agreed conditions, FAPESP accepts that requests may be made to amend the Grant Contract, under the conditions detailed at fapesp.br/565.

Page updated on 09/18/2024 - Published on 11/04/2009